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  • LicenseExam.jpg

    08/19/2011 | ARRL Files Comments in Response to Anchorage VEC’s Waiver Request

    In April 2011, the Anchorage VEC -- one of 14 Volunteer Examiner Coordinators -- filed a Petition for Rule Making (RM-11629) that asked the FCC to give permanent credit to radio amateurs for examination elements they have successfully passed. This would,
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  • Unopened Heathkit HW-9 QRP CW transceiver in a display case at ARRL HQ.

    08/17/2011 | Heathkit Returns to the Kit Business

    In late August, Heathkit will resume selling kits.
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  • Tom Hammond, N0SS

    08/16/2011 | Tom Hammond, N0SS (SK)

    Tom Hammond, N0SS, of Lohman, Missouri, passed away August 4 from cancer. He was 67. Hammond was the first and only Life Member of the Kansas City DX Club (KCDXC), playing an invaluable role in the club for more than three decades, creating his world famo
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    08/16/2011 | 2011 ARRL Field Day Logs Posted

    A record 2654 submissions have been received for the 2011 running of ARRL Field Day. According to ARRL Field Day Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND, this is yet another record number of entries received for what is one of Amateur Radio’s most popular on-the-air
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    08/13/2011 | ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology Opens Horizon of Learning Opportunities

    This summer, the ARRL offered five sessions of the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology (TI). Veteran instructors Miguel Enriquez, KD7RPP, and Nathan McCray, K9CPO -- along with new initiates Tommy Gober, N5DUX, and Matt Severin, N8MS -- led the inst
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    08/11/2011 | Second Century Campaign Committee Meets in Newington

    The year 2014 marks the end of the first century of the ARRL. In these 100 years, amateurs have seen spark gap give way to CW, FM and AM, SSB and the numerous digital modes, with the ARRL leading the way. In celebration of the beginning of a second centur
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    08/09/2011 | Go High for the 2011 ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest

    If you enjoy the being on the cutting edge of Amateur Radio’s technical side, take a look at the microwave bands. The 2011 ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest gives you the perfect chance to explore this portion of the radio spectrum.
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    08/09/2011 | ARRL VEC Team Attends National VEC Conference

    Representatives of 12 of the nation’s 14 Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs) -- either in person or via proxy -- met July 29 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for the 26th Annual National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (NCVEC) Conference.
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